Graduate and postgraduate professional
medical education in Russia.

Voronezh State Medical University

State Institution of graduate and Postgraduate Professional Education «Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical University» is known as one of the country’s leading research and teaching institutions with the total student enrollment of 5 500 people. It is one of the oldest educational institutions of Russia. Its history goes back to 1802 — the date of Derpt University foundation, which in 1918 moved to Voronezh. In 1930 its Medical Faculty became an independent institute, acquiring an University status in 1994. The University has a well-established reputation for providing high quality medical teaching, learning and research. The quality of its performance is reflected in the rating system, where the University was placed in the top ten higher medical schools of Russia. Since the foundation year it has prepared above 40 thousand medical specialists, including foreign specialists from 28 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Medical degrees received at VSMA are recognized worldwide. The University is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools, 9th Edition, published by the World Health Organization. To practice medicine graduates just have to confirm their qualification with the appropriate licensing body in their home country.

The Faculty of General Medicine

General Medicine

The year of foundation — 1930.The Faculty enrolls annually up to 400 students, among them 200 students are educated on the state-funded basis. Full-time training is supported during a 6-year period. During the time of its existence the Faculty prepared more than 30 000 doctors, among them 340 foreign medical specialists from different countries, namely, from Syria, Pakistan, Jordan, Yemen, Sudan, Morocco and other countries. The teaching is provided by 345 faculty members, among those there are 46 Doctors of Medical Science, 190 Ph.D.s in Medicine, 40 Professors and 57 Associate Professors.

 General Medicine

At present the Faculty’s leading specialists and heads of the departments are well-known due to their achievements in different medical fields: hyperbaric oxygenation, treatment of respiratory diseases, cardiology, ecology, pharmacological issues of air and space flights, treatment of infertility, laser therapy, abdominal surgery. Leading healthcare settings of Voronezh and its Region serve the clinical bases for the Faculty.

Pediatric Faculty

The year of foundation — 1933. Annual enrollment at the Pediatric Faculty is 140 to 200 students, among them there are 100 students whose education is state funded. The training is done in the full-time program during 6 years. There are 11 Departments at the Faculty.

 Pediatric Faculty

The Faculty staff includes 4 academicians, 13 professors, 14 Doctors of Medical Science, 53 Ph.D.s and 19 associate professors. The Pediatric Faculty is renowned for its scientific research and clinical counseling in different pediatric fields: pediatric pulmonology, pediatric nephrology, neonatology and pediatric surgery. The Faculty’s clinical resources (above 2000 beds) are made up of multi-field and specialized pediatric hospitals, equipped with modern facilities.

The Faculty of Dentistry

The year of foundation — 1957. During its 50-year existence the Faculty prepared above 6000 dental specialists, working in different regions of the RF and abroad.

 Faculty of Dentistry

Annual enrollment at the Faculty of Dentistry is up to 200 students, among them there are 50 students whose training is state funded. The Faculty staff includes 137 teachers, among them 26 Doctors of Medical Science, 15 Professors, 82 PhDs and 4 Associate Professors. Experienced dental specialists, working in hospitals and outpatient settings of the city and its region are also involved in the academic work of the Faculty. The Center for dental clerkship is the University’s Dental outpatient hospital. Since 1961 it has been functioning as a clinical and educational base for six main Faculty Departments. It is also a research, academic and clinical Center, providing dental care and consultations for the entire Black Soil Region.

 Faculty of Dentistry

The Department of Therapeutic Dentistry maintains 10 international agreements currently in force with German teaching and dental Centers and firms, producing dental materials, and it took out above 20 patents for new diagnostic schemes and treatment methods in dentistry.

Faculty of Pharmacy

Having an intercollegiate status in previous years the Faculty developed its own academic curriculum and became an independent unit in 2003. Annual enrollment at the Faculty of Pharmacy is 60 students at the full time course and 90 students at the part time course. Both full time and part time education is provided on a commercial basis.

 Faculty of Pharmacy

During their study students have training in 37 subjects at 17 Departments of the University, including 3 Departments where training only in pharmaceutical subjects is conducted. Lectures, practical and laboratory classes as well as colloquiums are carried out by the teachers of the University, among them there are 15 Professors, 3 Doctors of Medical science, 11 Associate Professors, 31 PhDs. The youngest Faculty in the University’s structure, it educates specialists in pharmacy awarding primary qualification «Pharmacist» upon the course completion. Graduates of the Faculty work in such fields as management, receipt and distribution of medications; traditional and advanced technologies in pharmaceutical industry; standardization and certification of drugs and their quality control. Pharmaceutical practical training is done in the largest pharmacies of the city ranked pharmacies the 1st and 2nd category drugstores; drug storage areas of the city, its region and Ministry of Defense; Pharmaceutical Factory and the best healthcare settings, included into the University’s clinical resources. At the present time all specialized departments of the Faculty work out and introduce new methods and techniques of innovative teaching and scientific researches.

 Faculty of Pharmacy

The Faculty’s brand in educational work is teaching students to provide pharmaceutical care. All students of the Faculty are involved in the work of students’ scientific societies. Most of our graduates have scientific publications. The Faculty conducts scientific work in the field of chemico-toxicological and pharmacoeconomical analyses, dosage forms advancement, marketing analysis of medical, pharmaceutical products and service.

Medico-prophylactic Faculty

Medico-prophylactic Faculty was founded in 2004. Prophylaxis is one of the most important branches of medicine.

Medico-prophylactic Faculty

The vision of preventive medicine is to prevent and decline the deleterious effect of negative environmental factors (biological: viral, bacterial, parasitic and others; social: nutrition, living, labor and rest conditions) on a human being; prevention of infectious and mass noninfectious diseases of the population. 65 teachers work at the departments of the Faculty, among them 10 Doctors of Medical Science, including 9 Professors, 30 PhDs, including 10 Associate Professors. The work of specialists in preventive medicine is forwarded to realize the constitutional right of citizens for health protection and favorable environment. The students are offered training in the program of "Preventive Medicine". The training is offered in the directions of hygiene, epidemiology with the following work as hygienists: in general hygiene, occupational hygiene, communal hygiene, nutrition hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents. The Faculty conducts training of epidemiologists, microbiologists, virologists, immunologists and specialists in the area of laboratory business. Duration of training in the Faculty is 6 years in the full time program. Graduates are given a qualification of a "doctor - hygienist, epidemiologist".

International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation (IIMEC)

The year of foundation — 2008. The International Faculty of Medical Education, founded in 1992, was reorganized into the International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation.

International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation

International students are offered training in the following programs: «General Medicine», «Pediatrics», «Dentistry», «Pharmacy» and in “Nursing” at the department of secondary medical and pharmaceutical education. During the whole period of work first as an international faculty, then as an institute 540 specialists have been educated for 40 countries of the world, particularly: Bangladesh, Germany, Greece, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Cameroon, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Sudan, Tunis and other countries. 3 postgraduate students have defended their theses for PhD degree, and 7 postgraduate students are being trained now. Since the language of instruction is Russian, the Russian Language Department was established in the Faculty.

International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation

In 2004 for the purpose of enlarging the enrollment of foreign students, particularly from South-Eastern Asia, and taking into consideration the experience of leading medical institutes of Russia, the IIMEC introduced English Medium course in General Medicine specialty. 3The program of the course consists of 3 stages: I stage: pre-university training – learning Russian and pre-clinical sciences; II stage: 1st – 3rd years – study of pre-clinical sciences of medico-biological specialization (English as a language of instruction) along with learning Russian in an intensive way.

International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation

 III stage: 4th-6th years – study of clinical sciences with Russian as the language of instruction (using English when it is necessary) along with learning Russian in the volume corresponding with appropriate academic programs for an international institute of medical education.

Institute of Nursing

The year of foundation — 2006. Annual enrollment in the pat-time course is 50 students and 10 students on a commercial basis and financed by the state respectively.

Institute of Nursing

The enrollment in the Department of secondary medical and pharmaceutical education is 10 students in “Nursing”, financed by the state, 10 students in “Pharmacy”, financed by the state, 120 students in “Dentistry” on a commercial basis. Duration of training in the Department of Advanced Nursing: 5 years in the part-time program, 4 years in the full-time program. Graduates are qualified as «Managers» upon graduation.

Institute of Nursing

 Duration of training in the Department of secondary medical and pharmaceutical education, sisters of mercy: 2 years and 10 months. Graduates are qualified as “Pharmacists”, “Nurses”, “Dental mechanics” upon graduation.

Institute of Postgraduate
Medical Education

The year of foundation — 1983. The Institute supports advancement of professional skills in different medical areas and retraining of medical doctors in 61 specialties. For the last 5 years 30 thousand physicians of different specialties have been trained in the Institute.

Postgraduate Medical Education

There are 7 state-financed departments, 8 departments of mixed financing, 13 courses at students’ departments in the Institute. The teaching staff of the Institute includes 65 Doctors of Medical Science. The largest multi-field medical and healthcare establishments of Voronezh and Lipetsk as clinical bases for the Institute’s Departments and courses. Among them there are the Regional Clinical Hospital, the Regional Pediatric Clinical Hospital, the City Emergency Hospital, the Lipetsk Regional Multi-field Clinical Hospital No1, the Basic M. Gorky Clinical Health Center, the Regional Clinical and Diagnostic Healthcare Center, institutions for health and epidemic management, the Regional Antituberculous Dispensary, and the Clinical Hospital of South-Eastern Railways.

Postgraduate Medical Education